Thursday, February 5, 2009

Feb 4th

Yesterday I went to Duke for a test on my heart and another MRI. I have a funny feeling about the heart test for some reason-you kind of get to know a certain look the doctors and nurses and techs give you. After being told you have cancer yes, your lymph node we biopsied is cancer yes you kind of can tell-maybe I'm wrong. The MRI went pretty well. The Cat scan is the one I don't like.
For the past week we have been trying to figure this Neulasta shot out-I thought I was going to be able to get it at 200.00 dollars copay. Well we have had our triage nurse tell us that insurance companies will come back and say they are not going to pay any because I am self administering it to myself. So then we were going to get a prescription for my doctor here to give it to me at the hospital. But being how my doctor here isn't ordering the chemo I don't get the umbrella effect where it covers it. So now we think I will have to have it at Duke on Saturday. So that means Friday chemo stay over for the shot on Saturday come home and go back on Monday for chemo again.
I am thankful that I have insurance. But they should really figure out something for cancer patients that they don't have the stress of figuring all this insurance mess out. That is stressful by itself.
I will let everyone know about Friday-hopefully that MRI shows the cancer is gone.


Jan said...

I was so pleased to hear that your 1st round of chemo is over and I know you are beginning another round and some things that will be difficult but you have made it this far and have scored high in every aspect!We all are praying every single day for you and feel that you are winning this and will continue. What an inspiration you are to all who know you and your courage and wonderful attitude shine through for all to see. Keep your faith and know that it will get you through this along with your family and friends. Much love to you, Jan

Anonymous said...

What a mess, they will run you in circles over that kind of stuff I'm sure. Stay tough though lady, you definitely have bigger fish to fry:) I'll be praying for you, waiting for the next MRI update. ~M