Monday, February 16, 2009

Heading to Duke tomorrow

This round has not been good at all, but that is what they told me from the start. I did get to work a couple of days last week but when Friday rolled around I felt terrible with horrible back aches and shortness of breath. I took a shower on Saturday and started one load of clothes and it felt like I ran up 5 flights of stairs. (and i don't run anywhere unless being chased by mean dogs) So that was frustrating and all weekend I would wake up with my heart beating out of my chest and not feeling like I could catch my breath. I also have a horrible cold, yucky stuff and coughing all the time. They called in some antibiotics for me to start taking and I have 3 appointments at Duke tomorrow-Ecko, chest x-ray and something else-can't remember. We called my Dr. on Sunday and Corky talked to him. I felt so horrible Sunday that I cried all day so when I paged Dr. Marcom and he got on the phone I just broke down like a 3 year old and handed the phone to Corky. Dr. M said that the ecko will show if the herceptin and other chemos are affecting my heart and he will have to back off a little next time. So we will see. Everything about this is so darn hard but I know I have to hold my head up high and move forward there is no other option. I know there are alot of people alot worse off than me so I really shouldn't be whinning. Well I just wanted to let everyone know what was going on for tomorrow Tuesday the 17th. Thanks to everyone who has been so supportive to me in my family in so many ways. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful family and friends. Love Audra


Jill Roberts said...

Audra, I am so sorry that you are going through such a stormy time right now. Remember that God promises a rainbow after the rain!! I think you are going to see the most beautifully vibrant one ever after these clouds lift!!! :) I pray the Lord will replace your fear with peace!!! You hang in there!!! When you feel down, look UP!! In Prayer, Jill

Jodi Lewis said...

Have a safe trip today. I will pray for your peace and comfort. I also pray that your heart is not being affected. That new medicine sounds like some strong stuff and I'm so sorry you feel so terrible. Please keep us posted. Love you, Jodi

Jan said...

Audra, I know it just doesn't seem fair that you should have to endure all of this. But God is looking out for you and He hears all of our prayers and those from your family and yourself. He will provide strength, hope and healing because you are trying to help yourself. Keep your head up...we all have ours up for you. I hope today is not too hard and I am praying for many, many blessings to come your way. Jan

annie said...

audra-i hope that everything went well today. just keep your spirits
high and know that we are all pulling and praying for you. STAY OUT OF THE SHOP!!! you don't need to be around a bunch of different people. if you do put a sign up asking them to reschedule or supply masks and ask them to put one on. their sickness could be your death and that's how you have to look at it. your immune system is low and is trying to fight this cancer-it can't keep up w/ the other illnesses that are out there. don't forget to call us if you need anything and i do mean anything.
love you lots,