Monday, April 13, 2009

My last big chemo today! YAY!!!!!!

Today I went for my last big chemo-the big sicko chemo! I will still have to go to Duke every three weeks for Herceptin to be given intravenously until Janurary. There is side effects to Herceptin but it doesn't make you sick and you don't lose your hair with it so yippee! It can cause some long term heart damage but I'm not going to dwell on that, just get the cancer gone. Today my dad and stepmom took me we arrived at 11:30 my appointment was at 12:30 and when they finally paged us around 3:45 I think we left around 5:30 or so. Long day. I am feeling a little better today, maybe because I know it is my last treatment, but then again every time I write that I feel ok I feel horrible the next few days so I hope I'm not jinxing myself here but I feel ok right now.
I have my next appointment on the 24th at 7am for ANOTHER MRI and a 10 am appointment with my oncology surgeon to find out when my surgery is and then I go back on May 1st for an Ecko on my heart and a doctors appointment with my oncologist and chemo Herceptin only.
So that's all for now-thanks to everyone for the continued prayers-they are a working!
Love to all, Audra


Jan said...

I am soooo happy that you have had your very last chemo and can now move onward to get other things taken care of!! I know you may not be feeling too great this week but hopefully it is not as bad as some of the other times. I bet you feel different in that the chemo is over and you will be getting the other things taken care of and can go on with your very busy life.We all will be continuing our daily prayers for you and that will never end! I am so proud of could be such a role model in so many ways for others, and I think you already are maybe more than you know. Keep up your positive attitude and never lose your faith! Very fondly,

Anonymous said...

That is a reason for a big YAY, and I hope that you're still feeling well:) ~M